Install Wing Ide Python

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  1. May 01, 2012 Wing Personal - Version 8.1.0 - Released 2021-10-20. Wing Personal is a free Python IDE designed for students and hobbyists. It omits many features found in Wing Pro. Compare Products. Wing Personal is free to use for any purpose and does not require a license to run.
  2. Pip install hypothesis. Assuming you have pip. If you want to install it from the downloaded package just open command prompt and cd to the directory where you downloaded it and do. Python install. Improve this answer. Answered Aug 5 '16 at 19:24.

To install Wing Python IDE, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:. This discussion is only about Wing Python IDE and the Wing Python IDE package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group. Install Wing by running the downloaded executable. Wing's files are installed by default in C:Program Files (x86)Wing Pro 8, but this location may be modified during installation. Wing will also create a Settings Directory in the location appropriate for your version of Windows. This is used to store preferences and other settings.

Using Wing with PyXLL

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Install Wing Ide Python 3.5

'Out of all the Python IDEs available I found Wing to have the fastest and easiest to usedebugger by far. Using it to debug Python code running in Excel with PyXLL is a joy!'-- Tony Roberts

Wing Pro is a Python IDE that can be used to develop, test and debugMicrosoft Excel add-ins written in Python with PyXLL.

This document focuses on configuring Wing to debug Python code running in Excel. To learnmore about Wing in general, please refer to the Tutorial in Wing's Help menu or readthe Quickstart Guide.

Wingware Download


PyXLL is a commercial product that embeds Python intoMicrosoft Excel on Windows. It allows you to expose Python code to Excel as worksheetfunctions, macros, menus, and ribbon toolbars.

PyXLL add-ins can be developed, tested, and debugged using Wing. Wing's remote debugger is used to connect to Excel in order to debug thePython code.

Installation and Configuration

Take the following steps to set up and configure Wing for use with PyXLL:

  • Install PyXLL as described in the PyXLL user guide.Be sure the follow this guide to the end and install the optional PyXLL wheel using pip.
  • Install Wing if you don't already have it.
  • Launch Wing from the Start menu on Windows.
  • Create a new project in Wing with NewProject in the Project menu. SelectCreateBlankProject as the project type and press CreateProject. Thenuse ProjectProperties in the project creation confirmation dialog or Projectmenu to set PythonExecutable to CommandLine and then enter the full pathto the Python you are using with PyXLL. This is the same value used for executablein the PyXLL config file.
  • Locate the folder where you have installed PyXLL and in Wing select AddExistingDirectoryfrom the Project menu to add it to your project. Also add any other directoriesthat store the source code you are working on.
  • Save your project to disk with SaveProjectAs in the Project menu.

Debugging Python Code in Excel

This section describes how to debug Python code running in the Excel process through the PyXLLadd-in.

  • Copy from the InstallDirectory, listed in Wing's About box, accessedfrom the Help menu, into a directory listed on the pythonpath in your PyXLL config file.If you are just starting with PyXLL, this could be the examples folder in your PyXLL folder.
  • Open your copy of and make the following changes:

    • Make sure WINGHOME is set to the full path of the Wing installation from whichyou copied This may already be done, since it is usually setautomatically during installation.
    • Change the value of kEmbedded to 1. This tells Wing's debugger that you are workingwith an embedded copy of Python, which affects some aspects of how code is debugged.
  • Add wingdbstub to the modules list in your pyxll.cfg file:

  • Make sure the Debugger>Listening>AcceptDebugConnections preferenceis enabled on in Wing, to allow debug connections from the Excel process. This canalso be enabled by clicking on the bug icon in the lower left of Wing's window.

    Now hovering your mouse over the bug icon should show that Wing is listening forexternally initiated debug connections on the local host.

    If Wing is not listening, it may be that it has not been allowed to do so by Windows. Inthat case, try restarting Wing so that Windows will prompt you to allow network connections.

  • Set any required breakpoints in your Python source code by clicking on the leftmostmargin next to the code in Wing's editor, or with the breakpoint items in the Debug menu.
  • Restart Excel or reload the PyXLL add-in so that the wingdbstub module is imported.You should see the status indicator in the lower left of Wing's window change to yellow,red, or green, as described in Debugger Status.
  • Call a Python function from Excel that will reach a breakpoint.

When a breakpoint is reached, Wing will come to the front and show the file where thedebugger has stopped. If no breakpoint or exception is reached, the program will run tocompletion, or you can use the Pause command in the Debug menu.


If this doesn't work at first, try using wingdbstub.Ensure() to force wingdbstub to makethe connection to the debugger. Room arranger 9 0 1 download free. The following code creates an Excel worksheet function that,when called, ensures the debugger is connected:

If this code can't connect then check that the Wing application is allowed to make networkconnections in your Windows Firewall settings. To do this, go to the Windows Startmenu and type 'Allow an app through Windows firewall', select 'Change Settings' and then'Allow another app..'. Navigate to the Wing installation folder and select the Wingexecutable from the bin folder. Restart Wing and Excel and now the two should be able toconnect.

If you still have problems making this work, try setting the kLogFile variable to log additional diagnostic information. This diagnostic output can beemailed to for help. Twixtor pro 7 0 2.

Related Documents

Wing provides many other options and tools. For more information:

  • PyXLL website.
  • Debugging Externally Launched Code.
  • Quickstart Guide contains additional basic information aboutgetting started with Wing.
  • Tutorial provides a gentler introduction to Wing's features.
  • Wing Reference Manual documents Wing in detail.

Wing Python IDE 7 now can be easily installed via Snap package in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.10, Ubuntu 19.04, and higher.

Snap is a containerized software package runs in most Linux desktop. The official Wing snap packages include:

  • Wing Pro, full-featured Python IDE for professional developers
  • Wing Personal, free Python IDE for students and hobbyists
  • Wing 101, very simple free Python IDE for beginning programmers

For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, simply search for and install Wing snap packages in Ubuntu Software:

For Ubuntu 16.04, open terminal and run command to install snapd Sketch 55 1 crack. daemon first.


Type user password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter.

Then install Wing personal 7 via command:

Replace wing-personal7 in last command with wing7 for Wing Pro, or wing-101-7 for very simple version.


Install Wing Ide Python

To remove the Python IDE, either use Ubuntu Software or run command in terminal:

Also replace wing-personal7 with wing7 or wing-101-7 depends on which version you installed.

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